Winter! The nature stands still waiting for the spring coming.
Winter! It is the time of hopes and dreams for the future.
Winter! It is one of the most interesting natural phenomena. And it is no wonder that this time of year is often painted by many artists.
We love winter landscape since childhood! Remember the paintings of famous Russian and Ukrainian artists where we can see tired earth covered with snow, ice-covered trees and, it seems to us that snowstorm sings softly the lullaby. And the paintings of Georgij Nysskij, Konstantin Juon, Ivan Shyshkin, Boris Kustodiev arise at once in our imagination. The impregnable winter carefully protects the dream of nature in their paintings.
Our contemporaries also like winter and show it in their paintings. From the first days of the winter art-exhibition center “ArtDonbass” invites residents and guests of Donetsk to the Winter Spirit Exhibition. About 200 paintings and graphic works are presented by artists from Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Slavyansk and Kiev. You will see urban and rural landscapes, forest and winter still lifes, and you will be really charmed with them.
There are such masters as People’s artists of Ukraine Polina Shakalo, Grigorij Tyshkevich and Alexei Polyakov, Honored artists of Ukraine Boris Eremin, Valentina and Vladimir Telichko, Gennadij Zhukov, Sergei Smetankin as well as young artists from Donetsk Art College and Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
We invite you to feel the spirit of a winter fairy tale with us!
Неожиданный ракурс (фото Анатолий Спица)
Почетные гости на выставке (фото Анатолий Спица)
Экспозиция первого зала (фото Анатолий Спица)
Авторы делятся впечатлениями (фото Анатолий Спица)
Худрук Дома работников культуры Виктория Колоколова, директор ХВЦ «АртДонбасс» Владимир Телегин, директор художественного музея Галина Чумак
Юрий Свир у своей работы
Зам.директора художественной мастерской «Верес» Олеся Михалькова у работы Марии Кобзарь
Генеральный консул Грузии Ираклий Адвадзе с супругой, Екатерина Калиниченко, консул Чехии Петр Рихтер с супругой
Зимнее настроение в ХВЦ АртДонбасс
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«АртДонбас» запрошує відчути настрій чарівної Зими
Дончанам подарят зимнее настроение
В художественно-выставочном центре Донецка выставка именитых мастеров и начинающих авторов