Solemn opening of a preauction exhibition of the Ukrainian and Russian contemporary art took place in the presence of beau monde of Donbass on December 9th, in Donbass Palace hotel. Just 14 works were brought to guests attention in a hotel hall.
Сonsul-general of Germany in Donetsk Klaus Zillikens, consul-general of the Czech Republic in Donetsk Ondrej Moravec, consul-general of Georgia in Donetsk Zurab Kvachadze, director of producer centre "Krok" Victor Griza, the head of press service FC "Shakhtar" Ruslan Marmazov, the head of equipping with services and utilities department of the City Council Konstantin Savinov with his wife Natalia, Alla Tkachenko (Christian Dior) and many others were at the preauction exhibition opening.
Works of contemporary art were brought to the miner's capital by the first and unique auction house in Ukraine «Gold section». The largest exhibition in Donbass will take place in art-exhibition centre ArtDonbass from December 10th, till December 16th where all comers can see works of the most famous vanguard authors of two last decades free of charge. But only a few people will be able to get the lots at the auction on December 17th - cost of works is estimated in hundred thousand dollars.
The exposition presents the most topical schools and techniques of the contemporary art: a photo, a collage, street art, digital art. Here you can see the works of key art workers of Ukraine and Russia.
The collection, estimated by experts in 650,000$ - 850,000$, includes rare collection works of the most expensive Ukrainian artists such as Anatoly Krivolap who is in the Тоp-100 of the most influential people of Ukraine under the version of "Correspondent" magazine - his last work «Night. The horse» was sold by auction for $124,400 and Alexander Rojtburd, whose personal exhibition has been opened recently in PinchukArtCentre. Vasily Rjabchenko's monumental works and Arsene Savadov's photos are rated highly also. There are also infamous Ilya Chichkan - all Europe admires his works and the most scandalous modern artist of Moscow, extremist Alexander Savko, his painting's serious name «The Letter from the front» is contrasted with characters of a cartoon film "Simpsons" represented on this painting.
Selected works of the young and perspective authors who made themselves known in Ukraine as well as in the world will also be represented at the exhibition: Artem Volokitin, Xenia Gnilitskaya, Oleg Suslenko, Zoya Orlova, Maxim Mirnov, Taras Kovach, Nazar Bilyk, Andrew Babchinsky, and there are also works of nominees for PinchukArtCentre 2011 award - Masha Shubina, Stepan Ryabchenko and others.
Руководители ХВЦ «Арт-Донбасс» В.Телегин, Н.Антонович, Е.Калиниченко, коллекционер О. Зданович и владельцы АД «Золотое Сечение» А. Василенко, М.Василенко.
Открытие предаукционной выставки украинского и российского современного искусства «Contemporary art».
Сотрудники ХВЦ «Арт-Донбасс» Н.Жигайло и И.Михалева презентуют работу И.Чичкана из серии «Задний проход в музей».
Беседы об искусстве. Н.Антонович и руководитель пресс-службы ФК «Шахтер» Руслан Мармазов.
Наши гости - генеральный консул Германии в Донецке К.Цилликенс, генеральный консул и вице консул Чешской Республики в Донецке О.Моравек и Л. Горак.